Product Operations: The Guardrail for Product Succes

Sachin Paul
3 min readJul 10, 2023

In the vast realm of product development, where ideas collide and dreams take shape, there exists a hidden secret to achieving unconquerable competitive advantage. It is a tale of efficient product operations, the driving force that propels organizations forward, and the key to unlocking the doors of success. Let me take you on a journey, a journey that unveils the power of product operations.

Imagine a world where a product is not merely a static object, but a vessel of repeated value delivery. This concept, lies at the heart of our quest for product success. When we delve deep into the essence of a repeatable delivery model, we find that it hinges upon the end-to-end product experience, a seamless journey devoid of any friction. To achieve this extraordinary experience, it falls upon the product manager to define efficient product operations.

But what truly constitutes an efficient product journey?

As we venture further into this captivating tale, we discover that customers don’t simply purchase products; they seek solutions to their problems. To deliver these transformative solutions, a product must operate seamlessly within the customer’s context. This context, comprises a diverse array of stakeholders, systems, and constraints.

Stakeholders, play pivotal roles in the customer’s environment. From the dedicated customer service team of a service management platform to the influential board members shaping corporate governance, and the esteemed CXOs, each stakeholder holds a piece of the puzzle. Our journey through efficient product operations demands that we understand and cater to the needs of these key players.

Systems, the intricate gears that propel our story forward, form the backbone of the customer’s environment. Picture a vast landscape adorned with service management platforms, cloud infrastructure, and application ecosystems. Our product must seamlessly integrate with these systems, like a graceful dance, ensuring that every step taken is flawless and every interaction is harmonious.

Constraints, are the challenges that add color and depth to our product & solutions. Different business segments, such as healthcare, aged care, and finance, bear their own set of compliance requirements. Our product must embrace these constraints, adhering to them with unwavering dedication. By doing so, we not only fulfill our legal obligations but also earn the trust and admiration of our customers, becoming their trusted partner on this incredible journey.

But let us not view these elements in isolation, for our tale is far more grand and captivating. To truly unlock the potential of our product, we must embrace an integrated view of the customer journey. It is within this panoramic vista that we visualize the environment in which our product thrives. A product cannot achieve true success if it fails to scale efficiently within the customer’s context. Herein lies the critical role of the product manager, the architect of the product operations that navigate this complex landscape.

Now, let me address a burning question that lingers in the minds of our readers. Is effective product operations important solely for the customers?

The answer is resounding no, it is equally important, if not more so, for the organization crafting the product. A well-structured system of product operations bestows upon the journey of product development a sense of reward and fulfillment. It becomes the competitive advantage that renders the organization resilient and enables the introduction of new products, time and again, with resounding success. The value of product operations soars exponentially for managed services providers, who package and deliver standardized managed services as repeatable products. The managed services are resource intensive and productization of managed service operation has tremendous value creation potential.

Think of the right product operations as an assembly line of innovation and creativity, where each part functions as an orchestrated symphony, each member knowing precisely when to play their part. It is in this harmonious collaboration that true magic is born.

In conclusion, we must recognize the invaluable nature of product operations, not only for the organization’s thriving existence but also for the realization and delivery of value to customers. Product managers stand at the helm, visualizing the end-to-end customer journey and steering the ship toward the shores of success. So, let us embrace the power of efficient product operations, for it is within this realm that efficient customer journeys are imagined, engaging cusotmer experiences are crafted, and product legacies are forged.



Sachin Paul

An experienced Product leader with diverse experience in building products and achieving market fit across Smart connected products, cyber security and Fintech.